Contract Number: DIR-CPO-4929
The Department of Information Resources (DIR) distributed an RFO to solicit responses from IT vendors, for the purpose of creating a list of pre-approved vendors, based on experience and references. On January 6th 2022, DatamanUSA was chosen by DIR to be awarded a contract under the DBITS solicitation. This new contracting vehicle for state agencies (and other governmental entities) offered a way to streamline the process that agencies go through to acquire outsourced services for projects. Instead of the lengthy RFO process required in the past, DBITS allows any Texas agency to go-direct to vendors and ask the vendors to respond directly to agency needs based on a Statement of Work (SOW)
For quotes, inquiries and warranty, or if you would like to know more about the DBITS contracting process, please Contact Us.
The DBITS contract process allows agencies to solicit quotes for a fixed price project based on a SOW. The SOW is developed by the agency team and is used to identify the specific services to be performed by the vendor to fulfill its contractual obligations for projects expected to be less than $10M. The SOW will indicate the type, level, quantity, and quality of service as well as the time constraint for the delivery of the project components.
Texas State and Local government agencies can streamline and reduce time in procuring and contracting for deliverables-based information technology services. Agencies can negotiate and contract directly with DatamanUSA for deliverables-based information technology services
Benefits of utilizing the DBITS contract to Texas State Local Government agencies:
- Shortened lead times in procuring and contracting
- Reduced cost
- Flexibility to meet individual customer needs
DatamanUSA has over a decade of successful delivery in the public sector. We are looking forward to partnering with you to bring the best value in deliverable based projects to your agency. Contract number DIR-CPO-4929 is available for the following project categories :-
- Application Development is the development of new applications which may be mainframe, server, network-based, web-based or a combination. The requirements for new applications may require interfaces to existing applications.
- BI enables an organization to perform in-depth analysis and includes, where required, data mining of detailed business data providing real and significant information to business users. BI may include an integrated group of operational and decision support applications and databases. BI makes use of tools designed to easily access data warehouse data. A data warehouse collects, organizes and makes data available for the purpose of analysis and gives organizations the ability to access and analyze information about its business. The function of the data warehouse is to consolidate and reconcile information from across disparate business units and IT systems and provide a context for reporting and analysis.
- Project Management service providers may perform any or all of the project management processes identified by the Project Management Institute as published in the PMBOK® Guide, Fifth Edition or most recent.
- Technology Upgrade/Migration may be required to increase business functionality, reengineer a business function, keep current with vendor upgrades or when upgrading existing technology. Technology Transformation may be accomplished by converting/migrating legacy applications to new technology either with or without new business functionality or it may include introducing new technology into the enterprise. Technology Upgrade/Migration may also include providing website content accessibility compliance.
- Customer creates an SOW for release to vendor(s). The SOW must be complete, signed by an authorized representative of Customer and must be in the form contained in Appendix C. Appendix C - Statement of Work
- Customer Releases SOW to one or more approved DBITS vendor(s) of their choice in the selected category. Response timeline is at the Customers discretion.
- Customer evaluates response(s) and selects a vendor.
- Customer negotiates pricing of deliverable(s) directly with vendor and work to improve the SOW to align with project goals.
- Customer issues a Purchase Order. Vendor understands that no work under any SOW issued by Customer shall commence until receipt of Purchase Order.
You can find our contracts and documentation on the DIR website by clicking on the contract link. DatamanUSA DIR page
For quotes, purchase orders, and warranty information, please contact us at:
Primary Contact:
Joe Wooldridge
Email: Joe@DatamanUSA.com
Phone: 512-903-2002
Seocndary Contact:
Nidhi Saxena
Email: NidhiSaxena@DatamanUSA.com
Phone: 720-248-3110
For more information on the DIR Cooperative Contracts Program